
harajuku girl (finally)

I finally went and charged the camera batteries so I could upload these pics for you guys! (I found them fully charged in the battery charger... so what if I'm lazy...) For those of you who don't know, these are pictures of my costume for a Harajuku-themed birthday party that I attended about a week ago.

The second picture is of me and three of my friends at the party. (A, Me, S, TJ.)

I am wearing loads of clips, a white headband, ribbons in my hair, pink sequin earrings, eight assorted necklaces, about 27 assorted bracelets, a white blouse, a pink silk nightdress with lace, a petticoat, two skirts, mid-calf length white socks and black ballet flats. I was going to wear false eyelashes but they didn't look right so I took them off.

And here is a pic of an outfit I wore a couple of days ago that I promised to post with the Harajuku pics.


J.Yo said...

ah super cute! party sounds so fun!


How fun. As we cool off you guys warm up. :) I love making shorts out of old jeanss too.

you should definitely try making the oreo balls, exceptionally delicious. I promise. :)

Love your red skinnies. && thank you!!


Elene said...

haha what a fun party idea!!!! very cute