I've been looking at the Ancient Egyptian-themed runway images that have recently been posted on Style.com and love them. Ever since I was a little doe-eyed, freckled, giggly child, I've been interested in Ancient Egypt. Especially the mythology and fashion aspects of it. Coming across these pictures is most likely the reason why my hiatus didn't last very long, I felt a need to share them with you all.
I. Love. It.
I must purchase some metallic-gold gladiator sandals for summer. They surely are Egyptian-inspired, plus they conform to the latest gladiator craze that has hit the shores of New Zealand.
Will post more soon,
Au revoir!
What say we trade for a bit? Goodness knows I've been craving a pair of over-the-knee boots for sometime now. :)
Thank you<3
glad you're back, dear! the second picture just wows me! amazing.
i've linked you btw!
Wow, I love these, especially the second image.
i. love. the. last. dress.
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